How might we create a suite of creative play experiences which inspire the imagination of hands-on, minds-on, girls who love LEGO Friends?
In less than three years working with the LEGO Friends team, we developed a platform strategy to build a suite of creative “maker” apps resulting in the launch of Story Maker, Art Maker and Music Maker for web, flash, iOS and Android to millions of fans worldwide.
My role included strategy, creative direction, UI and UX design.
Art Maker, Story Maker and Music Maker for iOS & Android
Story Maker
With LEGO® Friends Story Maker, creative storytellers (kids ages 6+) can write, create, publish and share their own beautiful multimedia stories. Easy tools like drag & drop, stickers, voice recording, text, emoticons, and backgrounds make every story come alive!
Available on:
Users can create rich stories with simple creation tools.
In story mode, users can share stories with their friends.
Music Maker
With LEGO® Friends Music Maker, creative pop stars and singer/songwriters in training (kids ages 6+) can make their own hit songs. Choose from pre-recorded LEGO Friends sound bites, and mix, sing, edit, record and play your way to lots of fun star moments with pop sensation Livi, her Heartlake City Friends and your own friends!
Available on:
The composer makes it simple for kids to become musicians.
Music Maker Game Design Document
View the mobile friendly PDF.
Art Maker
LEGO® Friends Art Maker is a fun and colorful art and creativity app for kids ages 5+. Create, paint, decorate and save your own Heart Cards and artwork with lots of details, colors, sparkles, stickers and bling!
Available on: